Cryptocurrency Information and Support

Cryptocurrency Information and Support, the world is global (Right). Words like Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and Bitcoin have surfaced. To understand these new words more information is required. Therefore read the article in its entirety so that you understand a bit better. Please note: that OMINEX is the leader in making this happen.  They are the ones to watch.

Lets break it down into key details.

cryptocurrencyBecause, it is important to keep yourself current on what is going on in the world. Now, the short and easy answer to the above question is Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money.  But what does that mean and how does it work? Well, continue to read, as I break it down in small bites!

Just What is Cryptocurrency?

Actually, to become qualified thus considered Crypto there are 7 things that it must be:

  1. Digital:  it only exists on computers.  There are no coins and no notes.  Also there are no reserves for crypto.
  2. Decentralized:  it is not on a central computer or server.  Cryptocurrencies are distributed across a network of many computers.  Decentralized servers are networks without a central sever.
  3. Peer-to-Peer:   the currency is literally passed from person to person online. Users don’t deal with each other directly.  Banks, PayPal and Facebook are all trusted third parties. On the whole there are NO trusted third parties in cryptocurrency
  4. Pseudonymous:  This means that you don’t have to give any personal information to own and use crypto.  Therefore there are no rules about who can own or use it.
  5. Trust less:  No trusted third parties means that users don’t have to trust the system for it to work.  Therefore users are in complete control of their money and information.
  6. Encrypted:  Ultimately each user have special codes. These codes don’t allow information  accessed by other users.  It is nearly impossible to hack cryptography . It is also where the crypto part of the definition comes from. Crypto means Hidden. Encryption means information hidden.
  7. Global: As we know, countries have their own currencies called fiat currencies.  Sending fiat currencies around the world is definitely difficult.   Cryptocurrencies make currency transactions easy. Ultimately they are currencies without borders.

So OK we know what Cryptocurrency is BUT so many of us certainly indeed have a long way to understanding what it specifically means to you.

Hence, let’s break it down a bit! In short please continue to read on to learn and understand even more!

Blockchain:  A blockchain is a database of ultimately every transaction that has ever happened  using a  particular cryptocurrency.

First of all a block is a  group of information . Secondly, a database holds all blocks. One by one they literally, form a very long list(chain). Further, a blockchain is a linear chain of blocks!  As a result, it stays on the blockchain forever. And everyone can see it.

Can Cryptocurrency Save the World?:   Certainly, but quite frankly, it currently has a lot of critics.  Meanwhile some say that it’s all hype. In any event, it seems that there is evidence to disprove them. Again, Cryptocurrencies can indeed help you take back control of your money and your information.  Obviously, it is here to stay. Ultimately going to make the world a better place.This is where OMINEX comes in.

A leader in the INDUSTRY! OMINEX

OMINEX is backed by the engineering and solutions of regulatory guidelines in the IPO and Crowd Funding Space. Saying that, in 2017 they took their knowledge and understandings of regulations to the blockchain and ICO space.  Their role in the new future is offering Compliant Token Solutions.

This type of currency actually is going to change our lives forever. what will the world look like ten years from now?  Some people will ignore this and hope it goes away.  Others will join the party. Which will you be??  To find more information about cryptocurrency go here